Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Roaming into Unity...

For me, traveling seems to remind me that I am not the only person living in this world...makes me feel so insignificant, yet in a way, also more selfless. There is SO much more out there...When I sit in my classroom in San Diego pulling my hair out because my students aren't on task, or when I come home and check out in my delicately decorated one-bedroom, I often forget that there are so many people who are having their "moments", as well. I don't think about the aging man, who so desperately is holding on to his able-body pretending he is still a young man, tending to his garden in Provence...or the old hunched-over wrinkly lady walking to the local market in Tuscany... or the smiling children playing soccer without shoes and with rolled up plastic bags down a dirt road in Gulu...or the younger man tanned by his daily porch sitting in Jaco suffering from Gallo Pinto Syndrome...or the weathered fisherman in Thailand doing what he does to keep his family alive...but every moment that I take my breaths, so are they. It makes life easier knowing there are billions of others living their lives. We all make it. We will all be fine. We all have our good days and our bad days. We are really all ONE. We are all connected in this undescribable's beautiful.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So, I took the first step. I have created this steps. I have been allowing my fears to get the better of me. Really, though...Don't we all?! Don't answer that. The eggshell is slightly cracking...ever so slightly. Hopefully, my light will start to shine...