Saturday, May 23, 2009


So, I took the first step. I have created this steps. I have been allowing my fears to get the better of me. Really, though...Don't we all?! Don't answer that. The eggshell is slightly cracking...ever so slightly. Hopefully, my light will start to shine...


  1. your light is shining elikajoon. make no mistake. i think your challenge is simply to realize it always has, to see it, and to let that light, rather than the limited, thought-driven, rational mind drive you. follow the light as it were...back your true nature. the source.

  2. A comment for a comment...It is the rational mind that allows you to see the light, to distinguish between the avenue of escape or the avenue of falsehood; the rational mind that allows you to grasp your feelings and to know the difference between feeling the tingle of oh so right and the goosebumps of oh so wrong; the rational mind does more than guide you, it does nothing less than create the world around you; the rational mind says "I know who I am, I know what I want" even when knowing is only to say 'I don't know" for those who believe that the rational mind is not a guide for them, then blind they are, and may luck find them so they may find themselves.

  3. Don't drop any shell in the frying pan or it'll ruin your omlette
