Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 1 - Stream of Conciousness Ramblings...

I couldn't fall asleep last night and realized I haven't had a space to be open and think...well, that's not true, though. I wasn't being honest with myself. I haven't allowed myself a space, even though I have so many places to turn for a release.

So, at some point in the middle of the night, probably closer to 2:30 am, I made a vow to get up today and write...and I also want to see if I can take a picture a day of something I am doing to just document my life at the moment.

My mom and her cousin were in town last night through the mid afternoon today, and so I wasn't able to do much with keeping my promise...but I am starting now. Right this minute. This is my first post of many daily posts...even if it's about nothing, I want to get into the habit of writing every day whether it be stream of consciousness, a summary of my day, or an analysis of the latest Red Sox victory.

For the next month, I want to check off as many boxes on my bucket list - it's not an actual bucket list, but similar.

My first email this morning came from the universe. It said:

                        See everyone, Elika, as a brand new challenge to fall in love.

                        Sneaky of me, huh?
                        Kiss, kiss -
                        The Universe

It took me a while to even understand what it was trying to say grammatically. When I finally figured out what it was trying to say, I felt a tad offended. I mean, I would agree that I should look at every single being with love...but as a challenge to fall IN love?! Maybe it's just me...but I am not looking to fall in love, and not with "everyone". And to admit that she (the universe) is trying to be sneaky, well, I NEVER!

I carried on with my morning, and waited for my mom and her cousin who were visiting to get up so we could go out to breakfast. I was hoping to get them up and out early enough to get back and watch the Espana v. Portugal World Cup game...well, that didn't really happen.

It was finally probably 11:30 am when we made it to Cafe Chloe downtown...we ordered our meals and enjoyed each others' company.  In the Persian culture, there is something called "tarof" - it's when everyone fights for the bill, and when people say they're not hungry when you really would LOVE a bite to eat, etc. It often goes back and forth for a while before the other submits.

Well, this morning...there was no need. Our waiter walked up to me and handed me a business card for Chris Guimond. The name did not sound familiar to me at all. I looked curiously at the waiter, and he informed us that this nice gentleman took care of our bill.  I asked the waiter to point him out to me, but he said he already left, but was the gentleman who sat at the table right next to us - except we were on the patio, and he had been sitting right on the other side of the window. All I remember of this guy was that he had a MacBook with him and he was getting work done...my mom had also pointed out his delicious-looking lox and baguette breakfast. That's pretty much all any of us had noticed.

Well, shoot. I may have had guys try to buy me drinks at bars - and I am pretty sure I have always declined those. However, first meal bought by a random guy while I was with two older ladies?! FIRST TIME!! Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Well, not really a chicken dinner. More like a piperade and eggs breakfast.

Anyway, random guy buying you a meal? Check.

Before he even did that, I took a picture while at Cafe Chloe as my first daily picture.

I love when things tie in. There are no coincidences, right? After looking him up (I have yet to email a thank you), I thought maybe he would like to finance the Backpacks for the Homeless nonprofit, or help create an anti-plastic movement...or I don't know! SOMETHING.

Anyway, I kept my promise. I wrote. I wrote about my day and what was on my mind. On to tomorrow.

By the way, if you haven't been to Cask Room, you should really check it out. :) Great wine and small dishes (especially on happy hour, like right now)...AND WiFi.

Yes, please. :)

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death, and God.

So raw, beautiful, and inspiring...I love this.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Thoughts: Technology Training - Gulu, Uganda 2010

What an experience. Brian and I stayed at AMREF all yesterday to plan for these all-day seminars...we thought to label the computer's start button because it may not be clear, and came up with the few programs we all should go over and train the teachers and students...So, today, the day finally came...the day we had all looked forward to, and the reason why we are here. And, of course many issues have already come up. At some point this morning, the internet stopped working altogether...so, we had to wing it. Since I was in charge of showing how social networking could be utilized in the classroom and our daily lives (and you need the internet for that), I am not able to do my part of the training. I have a few moments of downtime to jot down what I noticed so far...

Here are just some of my first thoughts...

1) We have overlooked comfort levels and familiarity in order to empower them...For example, we forgot we may need to show them how to even open up the laptops. When we told everyone to go ahead and open them so we can start, people stared at us blankly and struggled with it. As we thought, but not as much as we thought, most everyone had trouble with the start button, even though we had labeled it.  We did not know (and we didn't expect to have to explain) how to explain "Tab", "Shift", "Caps Lock", etc., and how to use (and why) a cursor.

2) I absolutely am shocked at how little they know. Brian felt the same way...We have walked by internet cafes in town, and they supposedly have computers at some of the schools, so how is this so new to them? Is it still a matter of socioeconomic class? Is it just the difference between laptops and desktops?

3) They learn so quickly though! It really shows how a little practice can go a long way. Of course you have to want to learn, too...these individuals in here right now absolutely want to learn.  Already, Dana is writing long full sentences on Word. Eric and Joseph are already using bold, italics, right alignments, etc.  Joseph is actually writing a letter thanking us for this godsend of a seminar. How sweet!

4) I noticed a teacher from Crested Crane doing all the work for a student at Gulu College - so we moved the student to her own computer. So, now she is a tad behind, it seems.

5) Also, William knows all of this already, so he has been helping Nicole, Brian, and me out. BUT, he just shows the student instead of letting them try - trial and error is needed!!!

These are just a few of my first thoughts and observations...However, this IS the first day. Let's see how the rest of this time works out! :)