Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Thoughts: Technology Training - Gulu, Uganda 2010

What an experience. Brian and I stayed at AMREF all yesterday to plan for these all-day seminars...we thought to label the computer's start button because it may not be clear, and came up with the few programs we all should go over and train the teachers and students...So, today, the day finally came...the day we had all looked forward to, and the reason why we are here. And, of course many issues have already come up. At some point this morning, the internet stopped working altogether...so, we had to wing it. Since I was in charge of showing how social networking could be utilized in the classroom and our daily lives (and you need the internet for that), I am not able to do my part of the training. I have a few moments of downtime to jot down what I noticed so far...

Here are just some of my first thoughts...

1) We have overlooked comfort levels and familiarity in order to empower them...For example, we forgot we may need to show them how to even open up the laptops. When we told everyone to go ahead and open them so we can start, people stared at us blankly and struggled with it. As we thought, but not as much as we thought, most everyone had trouble with the start button, even though we had labeled it.  We did not know (and we didn't expect to have to explain) how to explain "Tab", "Shift", "Caps Lock", etc., and how to use (and why) a cursor.

2) I absolutely am shocked at how little they know. Brian felt the same way...We have walked by internet cafes in town, and they supposedly have computers at some of the schools, so how is this so new to them? Is it still a matter of socioeconomic class? Is it just the difference between laptops and desktops?

3) They learn so quickly though! It really shows how a little practice can go a long way. Of course you have to want to learn, too...these individuals in here right now absolutely want to learn.  Already, Dana is writing long full sentences on Word. Eric and Joseph are already using bold, italics, right alignments, etc.  Joseph is actually writing a letter thanking us for this godsend of a seminar. How sweet!

4) I noticed a teacher from Crested Crane doing all the work for a student at Gulu College - so we moved the student to her own computer. So, now she is a tad behind, it seems.

5) Also, William knows all of this already, so he has been helping Nicole, Brian, and me out. BUT, he just shows the student instead of letting them try - trial and error is needed!!!

These are just a few of my first thoughts and observations...However, this IS the first day. Let's see how the rest of this time works out! :)

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