Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So, it's a new year...thankfully. And already, I can tell it's going to be a very special one...

2013 was tough. Very tough...in many different ways. But at the end of the day, I feel like everyone I know came out fine at the other end - couple cuts and bruises, but nothing we could not handle.

Thanks to a friend of mine who pointed it out, I did not do a vision board last year, and maybe that's why it was not the best year it could be...so this year, I decided that nothing would prevent me from getting my vision board done. First challenge? Uh...with what magazines/periodicals? So far, my images/words are pretty UK-centric. That needs to change, immediately. Cannot wait to see what ends up on there. ;)

Even without my vision board completed, 2014 feels much better. More real. More me than I have in a long time. Still not back to the complete idealistic dreamer I used to be - still a tad jaded from being here in Freetown for most of the past 3 years (well, to be fair, is it Freetown, or just timing?) - but, I am in a very peaceful space...I have some of the most fun, loving, positive, kind people I could imagine having in my day-to-day life - and I feel SO beyond lucky for it. The weather has been incredible, and most of our spare time has been at the beautiful beaches, often on what we call, "Sunburn Sunday" - although our now tan bodies don't really burn anymore. There are new restaurants and cafes to make living here and connecting with back home easier...Really...things are great.

Not feeling completely inspired by work, and am definitely at a crossroads trying to figure out what I should do next...but I am very hopeful that the universe will take care of me, as it always has. So, trying to see the excitement of the next chapter.

I have sooo much to be grateful for, and I know I do not express it enough.

So...I wanted to take the time to write a few things about where I am today.


reading... I am reading The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom.  I just started reading it, but it has been quite thought-provoking and inspirational. So far, it's about a man at the beginning of time who starts to count moments - moments that turn into awareness of time. The concept of man's development of time is always an interesting one to me. It's so arbitrary in ways, yet so crucial. How many times have we dismissed something as just "bad timing"? Or how often have we said we just "happened to be at the right place at the right time"? Not sure where the novel will go with this notion, but enjoying it so far.

working on...These days, I am working on getting my CV back together and applying to jobs. When my laptop was stolen in early December, I lost all my documents...ALL. So, been spending some time getting another CV together - which I just very much dislike doing...as I am sure most people do. The interesting thing, is not knowing what I am looking for. Not sure what inspires me these days, and what excites me, in terms of work. I always wanted to have a meaningful occupation...one where I felt like I was helping, or at least putting positivity out into the world. I am not quite sure what that looks like for me anymore, but really hoping I find it soon. What I feel most excites me, however, is education reform. Too many kids are not receiving access to education - whatever "education" looks like. And the lucky few, are not being inspired to learn for the sake of learning. I would love to see education re-developed so that students truly learn, and enjoy it - not just go to class out because they have to, and only to sit there and memorize what is being "taught". Anyway, I can go on and on about this. 

I should also be working on my PhD proposal - but again, after I lost all my work on my laptop, I have not exactly been inspired to do much with it. Although, I am considering completely changing my topic from juvenile justice to CSR. The program at VU Amsterdam is Criminology, and I would really like to pick a topic that spans many departments - development, public health, criminology, human rights, etc. I think I have an idea in the works, but don't think I will work on it much until I get some job applications out. 

Lastly, I have been trying to work on me. Being a better person; being positive; being a good sister, daughter, and friend; being healthier and kinder on my body. I like having my weekly menu set up so I can see what I am planning on eating, and not wasting so much food throughout the week, as well. I am working out almost every day with the most lovable, positive, inspiring gym buddy and partner in crime, ever. I am trying to meditate more again. And most scarily for me, I am planning on spending four weeks in France to attend a French language immersion, while visiting my family and one of my best friends. I have always had such a block to anything French, so this is me not allowing my fears paralyze me completely. 

watching...I haven't been watching much, whether TV series or movies. However, I had such a relaxing fun evening at home with my closest friends and Andy, watching movies. We started by watching Old School. I hadn't seen it in forever, and some of my friends had not seen it either. Then, we put on Zoolander - again, I couldn't believe I had close friends who had not seen it - by then, a few passed out, and a few of us stayed up to finish watching it...and that's when Andy decided we should also watch This is the End. It was probably the worst and best movie, all at once. Today is a national holiday in Sierra Leone, National Armed Forces Day...so thankfully, we could sleep in and relax. I guess I made up for not watching anything in a while, all in one night. Trying to get Andy to download the new House of Cards and Homeland. Cannot wait for Orange is the New Black to come back on, as well!

loving...I am loving getting back into exercise. I am loving allowing myself to let go of some "fears", like learning French and running. I am absolutely loving my friends here - from Mel, who has so much class in all she does, even her crass British humor...to Katja, who is one of the most giving and sharing people ever...to Victoria, who teaches me every day to be me and be real - she's one of the strongest women I know...to Louise, who reminds me to keep things light, and always puts a smile on my face with her contagious giggle and nonstop dancing to the music in her head. I am absolutely loving having Andy here in Freetown with me - so glad I can share this part of my most recent life with him. I am loving having Duffy, my brother from another mother/son, here - so beyond proud of him for how hard he works, yet always has fun (that song, "work hard! play hard!" reminds me of him every time). I am loving our cat, Tilu, and how sweet she is as she is about to pop out lord knows how many kittens. I am loving the new vegetable/fruit options I get in Freetown - mushrooms, courgettes, berries, leeks, etc. 
I am loving finding myself again. I am loving the beach, and the perfect beach weather. I am loving being able to be in touch with my parents back home, and with Andy here, he is so good about skyping them. I am loving life. I feel so blessed. 

eating...Like I mentioned above, I am loving the amount and diversity of vegetables and fruit I have been able to eat here lately. Such amazingness to be able to eat mushrooms! I have not been able to eat much fish lately, even though I have allowed it for myself here in Sierra Leone.  Andy struggles with the amount of non-meat I have in the house, but I think he will survive. :) I have also been eating lots of Gina's crepes/sandwiches, and drinking coffee more than I have in years. I wasn't drinking coffee here, especially because it was all instant nescafe. But in general, I hadn't drank coffee in years until recently. That's one new year's resolution that is easy to keep! Drink coffee. Check. 

That's me in a nutshell for now...Lots of love. :)

“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely” – Roald Dahl

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