Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cast Away

Now, I understand that American films don’t always make it out to the “outside” world right away. I usually find it pretty heart-warming when I see an old favorite back out in the theatres when I travel abroad. However, “Cast Away” was a movie that should never have been brought back to anyone’s world.
As I was trying to rest on my five-hour bus ride from Arequipa to Puno, I started feeling very fortunate to be on this bus with seats that fit my entire body, had a cushioned footrest, and would recline pretty much the entire way. After my traveling partner grabbed us a can of Pringles and a couple Sprites for our journey, and we read a few pages of Rolf Potts’ Vagabonding, I decided it was dark enough to nap. We were supposed to be on the road before 5:30, and we didn’t leave until close to 6. So, with the sun setting behind us as we drove East, I figured it would be the perfect time to put on DJ Shadow on my Ipod, and relax.
It hadn’t been ten minutes that I closed my eyes before the bus’ tv monitors turned on and the personal speakers above me for my seat (how kind of them) started blaring. I am not just saying they were loud. They were louder than any human would want them…and approximately a foot above my head. I figured turning my Ipod volume up would suffice, but I couldn’t even decipher what song was on anymore.
For a minute, I thought I would go along with what the locals were doing and watch whatever movie was about to start. However, I feel like we are all being insulted by putting on Cast Away!!!
Before the movie had really even started, I started dreaming about how I would rather actually be a cast Antartica...or wasn't Russia just bombed...or isn't the Palestinian/Israeli border not the best place to visit? ANYWHERE! I would rather do anything but be forced to watch this movie. Ok, fine. I was not forced to WATCH it, but I absolutely was forced to listen to it…and in Spanish nonetheless. A three-hour movie about Tom Hanks talking to himself for 90% of it, and his volleyball best friend, Wilson, for the other 30%. Or something. Look, math was never my strength... ;) I mean Tom Hanks literally cried for a good ten minutes apologizing (to whom?!?) for losing Wilson in the deep blue ocean. Growl.
So, now I have to think to relax and watch a movie. Not in the mood.
Earlier, I thought how good an idea it was to take a bus knowing it would take five hours. It would force us to sit back and relax instead of walk around to see all the sites…although “seeing the sites” often includes sitting at various cafes sipping on a glass of some tasty cold libation – be it a pisco sour, glass of white wine, or cerveza. Nonetheless, my idea of lounging back and relaxing for a few hours was shot.
The most interesting thing actually, is that no matter how awfully loud the movie was, I could still hear an older man snoring his brains out in the front of the bus…given, there were only four aisles on our “First Class” main floor (since we can all recline our seats), but still. Pretty remarkable.
Someone, PLEASE cast me away from this place!

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