Wednesday, March 31, 2010

O2 = Necessity

Whomever said oxygen was not vital to life, was an absolute idiot. As our bus ascended to 3,800 meters (that's 12,500 feet for you Americans who don't know how to use the metric system...that includes me, don't worry), I started to feel as though there was some sick joke being played on me. Was there a ghost from the Incan past pressing down against my chest ensuring I couldn't even gasp for air?! Ok, fine, I am being a little dramatic, but not by much. As we hiked up hill, I started to understand what claustrophobia feels like. I felt like I was trapped in a box (bus) and my air was running out. Even as I sit here in Puno writing this, I definitely don't feel totally well. I won't lie...I was excited to have an excuse to drink an exorbitant amount of the coca tea since it supposedly helps you acclimate to the altitude. But besides that plus, this whole not breathing thing, ain't no fun.

I am suddenly understanding the lame trend of oxygen bars back home. So, who cares if we may not need as much fresh oxygen there as I do RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW (that was a good song by the way)? I finally get it.

Have I mentioned that the lack of oxygen makes me feel a tad loopy?

Thankfully, we will be heading downhill for the next leg...which I hear means I will be on a natural high...ooh, that means Lima is going to be a GREAT time at the end of the week. Not many people can say they go downhill to Cusco, but when you visit the highest navigable lake on the planet prior to going to the Incan capital, you end up in some unique circumstances.

Lake Titicaca, here I come!!!

Ha, I said titi-caca. :)

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