Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dance of the Birds...

Maybe it's because I actually have some "free" time now...but I couldn't help but notice the beautiful patterns the birds were making in the sky today. It made me wonder...are they dancing to maintain order...or do they dance because they CAN...

I mean do they make those patterns together because their buddies are also dancing the same way? What does it mean? What happens if one bird falls back or just chooses not to? Will he be shunned?

Or are they truly the epitome of freedom?! They dance because they can...because they are FREE to.

Some people are good at even making "order" look beautiful...and others don't care about what society says NEEDS to happen...and instead just LIVE. They DANCE.

I need to practice...

1 comment:

  1. beautiful post. even better on the re-read. thank you. inspiring. we all need a bit more dance i'd say ....
